Further education

We offer two models of further education courses.

Professional in-house training: a training course tailored exactly to the needs of your organization

Multi-perspective participation training: We propose that persons with different perspectives, interests and needs (project management, public administration, NGOs, concerned citizens) attend this particular course. That way, a fourth level of learning and understanding is generated automatically and without additional expenses.

Objective and content:

The training course provides three levels or modules.

Module I: methods and tools –the objective is to persist and stand one’s ground in the different stages and situations of a participation process
Module II: the process – its stages, perils and traps
Module III: understanding the system – theoretical and practical examination of the process of decision-making and decision-development in order to understand the long-term benefit of participation processes.

Structure and process:

It takes five full days to complete the aforementioned three modules. The modules themselves are weighted individually.
Moreover, we host a number of workshops and presentations in order to focus on specific issues (e.g. branding for citizens’ action committees, PR and participation, electronic participation techniques) that we invite participants of the training course to attend, according their interests.

Further details and upcoming dates can be found in our calendar of events.